www.AlastairHumphreys.com: Dreaming of burgers
www.AlastairHumphreys.com: Bored Chinese Tourists
sirimiri: "Sir? Sir? Sir....?"
Philippe Saire || Photography: Last Person On Earth
c@rljones: Reflecting on the passing of time.
Dustin Diaz: Something's been missing
mattisj: Lapinpöllö *
Photographers Eye: Penguin Slide
DanielKHC: Vertical Limit
Bob West: K20D8291
StephenCairns: lure of the sea
Bob West: K7__9629
Bob West: K20D4097
Gavin Fegent: My first startrail
~FreeBirD®~: The Unknown
AndreaPucci: Cade l'autunno / Falling autumn (Explore!!!) (Pisa, Tuscany, Italy)
bhawi: Autumn Stag
DanielKHC: Dark City
Steve Clasper: Mary's milky way
Steve Clasper: Paleness
wildorange55: apple picking is dreamy business
Dan. D.: Badwater, Death Valley
Ben 5D MKII: Monks "Laos"
twoaftertwenty: Bokeh Flood
iamnotanumber8885: Bonfire night
DARREN J BENNETT: Walk in the shadows of my light.