Lenny Montana: Goat Face Killa
Lenny Montana: A Gnome I saw in a Colchester junk cavern.
Lenny Montana: Courgette-Fella
Lenny Montana: funghi-n-food_03092008_009
Lenny Montana: P1010282
Lenny Montana: P1010226
Lenny Montana: i_ate_this-coffee-croisant
Lenny Montana: Another Stuffed squash!
Lenny Montana: Footprint of the buddha
Lenny Montana: Concentricks
Lenny Montana: Here comes tomorrow
Lenny Montana: Stella Gold
Lenny Montana: Londons Burning - Below the Eye
Lenny Montana: panoramic me in Shadow...
Lenny Montana: Liquid wobble
Lenny Montana: Big Tomato Asteroid
Lenny Montana: Heres Lookin' Atcha!
Lenny Montana: An Art Deco styley Desktop wallpaper made from 2 street lights that where outside the flat owned at the time ... look closely!
Lenny Montana: streetlights
Lenny Montana: A birch-bark tunnel with fungi
Lenny Montana: Fungi bursting from a dead tree
Lenny Montana: an emmaculate young forest puffball
Lenny Montana: a macro the giant fungi* - see below
Lenny Montana: under-shot
Lenny Montana: Birch fungi-red spider
Lenny Montana: funghi-wall
Lenny Montana: funked-up-funghi
Lenny Montana: parasol fins
Lenny Montana: Ravaged forest floor mushroom
Lenny Montana: Green Leaves - Black veins - Red Floor