Marser: thrivers on islands #126 (Taketomi Island, Okinawa)
Karsten Gieselmann: Hamburg - Up and down the stairs
人間觀察: Ice-cream
MGuarini: DryTree
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 武岫農圃 銀河
frank.gronau: Geisha
Bonsailara1: La primavera invita a moverse
TAKAGI.yukimasa1: Snap M.171218
Đøn@tus: Some say " LOVE " , it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed ... "The Rose". Bette Midler
Đøn@tus: When You Can't Look on the Illuminated Side, I Will Sit With You in the Dark Side ...
Đøn@tus: Silence is Better than Unmeaning Words.
Đøn@tus: Don't Judge Someone Based on their Appearance ... Looks can be deceiving.
Đøn@tus: “ Don't Fall in Love with a Dreamer ."
Lilongwe2007: Der Weg ist das Ziel
Lilongwe2007: Kein Treppenhaus
Lilongwe2007: Ganz oben scheint die Sonne
Lilongwe2007: Alles dreht sich um den Weihnachtsbaum
Hiro sensei photos: F848 Amami Kingfisher, H89A9536 cr2jpg
Hiro sensei photos: F856 Variotessar T* FE 24-70mm/F4, A7S, Budapest, DSC06446 R1
Hiro sensei photos: F861 Thambar 90mm/F2.2, A7s, Bokeh, @Budapest, DSC06641 R1
crozgat29: Alain
dono heneman: Texture sableuse
patrick.verstappen: Good Evening
Juan Olucha: La Iglesuela del Cid
Ewa Ciebiera +3 mln visits. Thank you!: Aime celui qui t'aime et non celui qui t'attire
ost_jean: Landscape Iceland.