lelloman65: a stain of colors
lelloman65: my mountains
lelloman65: the last lights of the day
lelloman65: clear waters
lelloman65: hello
lelloman65: strange people
lelloman65: you are here
lelloman65: windows
lelloman65: windows_4
lelloman65: windows_3
lelloman65: windows_2
lelloman65: windows_1
lelloman65: the tree and the clouds
lelloman65: a special view
lelloman65: the window of the tree
lelloman65: the big tree
lelloman65: is there anyone out there?
lelloman65: window in the blue
lelloman65: Hochosterwitz Castle
lelloman65: the old Castle
lelloman65: a windy day at the lake
lelloman65: i like this
lelloman65: the ghost castle
lelloman65: someone...somewhwew..
lelloman65: open to the colors
lelloman65: grey&green
lelloman65: trough
lelloman65: into the unknown
lelloman65: autumn at the castle