lejoe: Ok.
lejoe: Grit. #latergram from our company retreat
lejoe: Salmon. Spent last WE hiking three days with my two favorite people from hut to hut. When we arrived at the fist hut the host was quite pissed at us as they didn't understand we would bring such a young child up there. Making him probably the youngest chi
lejoe: Perspective. Mountains is the place I go when I need to be reminded how small we are yet how much we can achieve with effort.
lejoe: Share. This #lategram made me think of this great radiolab podcast episode which explores how threes communicate together in a forest. There were some mind blowing facts in there. It made me think of great analogies to our society and relationships. Using
lejoe: Obscure. This week felt like everything got darker. Being a new dad makes me even more concerned and question myself about the future we give to our future generation. Somehow, deep down inside me, there's this feeling (hope ?) that they will learn for ou
lejoe: Draw. 6 weeks after the birth of Elliot we got to recharge our batteries in the mountains. We initiated him to hiking (which is his favorite position to sleep) and he got to see his first snowfall ❄️
lejoe: Believe. Today we just wanted to hike and enjoy the sun. The tourist center advised us not to hike up because it was wet and stormy. We went to check.
lejoe: Above
lejoe: Breathe. Piz Borel, 2952m.
lejoe: Deeper. The exact moment we passed 4'000m on our way to the Breithorn. The views on the Matterhorn, Mont Blanc and all those other 4'000m was breathtaking. That feeling.
lejoe: Touch. We followed our host on a hike south of Cape Town. His 3yo son and his dog came along. We walked bare feet a few hundred meters in dunes where he explained us if we ever get beaten by a snake we should catch it or take a picture of it at all price
lejoe: Raw.
lejoe: Nurture. This weekend, no crazy outdoor activity. We had some bigger plans. We invited our close families to gather together in the Vosges and celebrate with us the fact that we are now husband- and wife-to-be. There's nothing more precious to me than get
lejoe: Challenge your limits as often as possible for it will show you a new horizon on you capabilities
lejoe: *****
lejoe: Pause.
lejoe: On board
lejoe: Honor
lejoe: Make calls
lejoe: No rainbow without rain.
lejoe: White gold to be
lejoe: Spring
lejoe: All things considered
lejoe: Hanging.
lejoe: Opinion
lejoe: Cigar
lejoe: Ahead
lejoe: Fry
lejoe: Stir