17% Grey: ir1 heart
17% Grey: fruit loop
17% Grey: Found a seashell...
17% Grey: waiting
17% Grey: kewl blue
17% Grey: earth
17% Grey: a moment will come
17% Grey: snow in CA?
17% Grey: shafts of light
17% Grey: the wars we don't see
17% Grey: techno color
17% Grey: down
17% Grey: my road
17% Grey: dreaming in color
17% Grey: which road to take
17% Grey: grand ave, O-town
17% Grey: shadows
17% Grey: light
17% Grey: after everyone is gone
17% Grey: dreaming of flight
17% Grey: dark ruins
17% Grey: forest of invisible light
17% Grey: splashed
17% Grey: everything grows towards light
17% Grey: desolona
17% Grey: hard
17% Grey: Soft