orlova_lu: Keanu Reeves
Cheshire Grynne: Octogonapus
sulla55: Got your nose!
ブラッドリー: African Elephant
Andrey Bondarev: Rondane national park
In Memoriam: myopixia: Scenes from Luk's 2nd birthday party
crafty1tutu (Ann): Pathi Harn
Taronga Conservation Society Australia: You've got to sleep some time
Taronga Conservation Society Australia: Luk Chai the Asian Elephant calf enjoying ice treats
Toronto Atheist: Interracial Marriage-Gay Marriage
Phineas y Ferb: salamanquesa
SerenaAzureth: SerenaAzureth_ATC_Pumpkin_Jackolantern2
☆MIREIA☆: Fresitas
queenbee1977: mini Hex
冥U7鬼树: 55e68f8215b95b9af703a6d0
lewishamdreamer: Keanu Reeves
chris uncle: Keanu Reeves
lilaliss: candid3%7E0
Miriella: me and Keanu Reeves!
FotoGraf-Zahl: Carcassonne 6
zonenschwabe: this is sam
Martin Third: Attention!
callista78539: IMG_0575