cyanocorax: Sheep
National Library of Ireland on The Commons: Sergt. Ruttle's family group, Sergt with hat off : commissioned by Sergt. Ruttle, M.I.C., Passage East, Waterford
cyanocorax: Spotted sandpiper
Tom A. Ranker: Hawaiian monk seal, Neomonachus schauinslandi
«Gaurav»: Room for Rent
ian.walker: not a cat
robgrowler: 20160306_115955
It's Meng!: Bigfoot's 2016 Summer Reading Challenge
robgrowler: 20160302_122643
robgrowler: 20160302_122705
robgrowler: 20160228_121003
Tom A. Ranker: Poison dart frog on our driveway
drumthwacket: Ukiyoe dictionary
National Library of Ireland on The Commons: Man and woman in vehicle passing 102-103 Grafton Street
Tom A. Ranker: Korean Studies Center
drumthwacket: Black cravat
drumthwacket: Fried fish
drumthwacket: Goose boat
drumthwacket: The Light of the World by William Holman Hunt
drumthwacket: Googily finger puppet rings
drumthwacket: He said, "I'm just going down to the corner store, I'll be right back."
drumthwacket: If you lived here, you'd be home now
drumthwacket: Curious?
drumthwacket: Tacos de pescado
drumthwacket: An outward expression of emotion
drumthwacket: Bollard
drumthwacket: Garden Salad plus Falafel
Tom A. Ranker: Beautiful latte from Ozo Coffee
UBC Library Digitization Centre: [Fishermen set nets in a cove between the rocks]