Leica Akademie Mayfair: Welcome to hell © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: A woman tries to summon up the courage to cross 'Sniper Alley' © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: Women run for their lives across 'Sniper Alley' under the sights of Serb gunmen © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: Sarajevans run for cover © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: Women support each other as they cross a dangerous intersection of 'Sniper Alley' © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: A smiling child runs across 'Sniper Alley' © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: Shrapnel wounds on the face of a frightened boy © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: Tears of anguish from a mother © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: Sheltering from a heavy mortar bombardment © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: A Dog, Man's Best Friend © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: A gravedigger at work in Sarajevo's Lion Cemetery © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: A young widow grieves over the coffin of her husband © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: Cellist Vedran Smalovic breaks down in tears after playing a requiem to a dead friend at Hero's Cemetery © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: Alone with her thoughts © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: In the dangerous suburb of Dobrinja, Meliha Vareshanovic walks proudly and defiantly to work © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images
Leica Akademie Mayfair: Sedija Katica, who lost both legs after being hit by a grenade, plays with her 5 year old daughter, Amra © Tom Stoddart / Getty Images