Helena Aguilar i Mayans:
Planchette I
"stencil on cardboard"
El Calotipo:
invitaciones anillo
long_exposure - [shibuya crossing]
Pamela Rivas:
el fornet
✽ A Happy New Year 2012 ✽ (for widescreen displays)
David C. Foster:
Cpl. William T. Hall Jr. from Dallas, Texas
David C. Foster:
Crew 108 at "Flight A" Buliding
David C. Foster:
Crew 108 in Sikivvies, L-R front row: Paul B. Davis, William Whetsell. Middle row William T. Hall Jr., Robert W. Putney, Roy Bassler, Robert S. Peterson. Back row James E. Muenker.
David C. Foster:
Crew 108 Paul B. Davis on the right, Roy Bassler on the left.
David C. Foster:
B-24 Liberator Wazzle Dazzle
David C. Foster:
L-R, Peter "Bunny" and an Unidentified Boy at Seething, England, WWII 1945
David C. Foster:
Three Unknown GI's with a Can of Quaker State and a Cable truck.
David C. Foster:
Photo of B-24 Liberators in Mission Formation from the 448th Bomb Group.