AngeIhead: The Moon Over Circle K. Justin Haynes 2015.
lomokev: 12 hour concrete foundation pier at Brighton i360
the brownhorse: Morning Dublin.
debs-eye: seven starlings
penwren: Short stories at Charleston
penwren: hours
penwren: roundrobin
penwren: Long nights and log fires
lukedrozd: Twas A New 'The Black Keys' Print Before Xmas...
debs-eye: garden sky
debs-eye: Charleston
Florian Bayer: Wild Roses
Nem Láttam: Széklábak
penwren: with feet standing in the sky
Nem Láttam: Mókus és a pillanat
Nem Láttam: Székek
penwren: “And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!”
penwren: threshold
lukedrozd: Dark Days and Other Tales