andyfpp: Westminster Lavender
andyfpp: LG Building (Lawrence Graham) at More London (Take II)
maktub street-dog: Kitty lookin´ not satisfied
maktub street-dog: Down So Low
BLACK EYED SUZY: I Want To Wake Up In Your White, White Sun
BLACK EYED SUZY: Indian Summer
BLACK EYED SUZY: Flare - (explored)
columnsovsleep: convergence
grahampreston: shared space 04
grahampreston: when single means two
tomwhite_: Lower East Side, NYC
tomwhite_: Greenpoint, Brooklyn
tomwhite_: Christopher St. PATH Station
tomwhite_: Garden of Lights
tomwhite_: 20130521-IMG_4342
Anne*°: Arsenic et vieilles dentelles (1) Série
Anne*°: Arsenic et vieilles dentelles (2) Série
Anne*°: Arsenic et vieilles dentelles (3) Série
iamscottiew: dolles
Franco Marconi: small dogs
Franco Marconi: ciao (Anna Maria and me)
Franco Marconi: ceterielle