Lee W2: American Redstart-m
Lee W2: American Redstart-autum
Lee W2: American Redstart-f
Lee W2: American Redstart-f
Lee W2: American Redstart-f
Lee W2: Bay-breasted Warbler-m
Lee W2: Bay-breasted Warbler
Lee W2: Bay-breasted Warbler
Lee W2: Bay-breasted Warbler
Lee W2: Blackburnian Warbler-juvenile
Lee W2: Blackburnian Warbler-m
Lee W2: Blackpoll Warbler
Lee W2: Blackpoll Warbler-m
Lee W2: Black and White Warbler-f
Lee W2: Black and White Warbler-f
Lee W2: Black and White Warbler-m
Lee W2: Black-and-White Warbler-m
Lee W2: Black-throated Blue Warbler-m
Lee W2: Black-throated Blue Warbler-m
Lee W2: Black-throated Blue Warbler-f
Lee W2: Black-throated Blue Warbler-m
Lee W2: Black-throated Green Warbler-m
Lee W2: Blue-winged Warbler
Lee W2: Blue-winged Warbler
Lee W2: Blue-winged Warbler
Lee W2: Cape May Warbler-autum
Lee W2: Cape May Warbler-m
Lee W2: Cape May Warbler-m
Lee W2: Cape May Warbler
Lee W2: Cape May Warbler