Hank LeClair: The gate to the most opulent castle in Europe
Hank LeClair: April in Paris...25 Ottawans and Jean our tour director enjoyed the beauty and history of Paris for one week in April of 09
Hank LeClair: Palace de Versailles courtyard clock
Hank LeClair: The black and white marble Courtyard
Hank LeClair: Versailles... model layout
Hank LeClair: P1050058
Hank LeClair: P1050060
Hank LeClair: P1050067
Hank LeClair: P1050068
Hank LeClair: The palace gardens are a dazzling site, scattered with walkways, landscaped topiary, fountains, pools, statues and the Orangery, where exotics plants were kept in winter
Hank LeClair: P1050075
Hank LeClair: P1050079
Hank LeClair: At the time of Louis XIV, the Galeries des Glaces-Hall of Mirrors- was illuminated in the evening by three thousand candles
Hank LeClair: P1050086
Hank LeClair: P1050089
Hank LeClair: P1050090
Hank LeClair: P1050094
Hank LeClair: P1050095
Hank LeClair: P1050096
Hank LeClair: P1020874
Hank LeClair: Palais de Versailles
Hank LeClair: P1020879
Hank LeClair: P1020884
Hank LeClair: P1020888