Hank LeClair: "National Press Club" logo
Hank LeClair: Scan 40
Hank LeClair: Sammy's nose
Hank LeClair: Askum yawning
Hank LeClair: Son and his best friend Askum
Hank LeClair: Great room.. LeClair residence
Hank LeClair: Great room
Hank LeClair: Sammy & Admirer
Hank LeClair: Hank LeClair British Virgin Islands 1980, helming a 48 foot Morgan Sloop
Hank LeClair: LeClair foyer residence house completed September, 2002
Hank LeClair: New residence completed September 2002. Designed & General Contracted Hank LeClair
Hank LeClair: P1000730
Hank LeClair: 2002 New house under construction...General contractor Hank LeClair
Hank LeClair: Our motorcycle era
Hank LeClair: Eskimo baby approximately five minutes old is placed in an arctic hare skin....Frobisher Bay NWT 1960...LeClair on assignment also helped with the delivery.
Hank LeClair: Hank LeClair... 1972 Press accreditation for Winter Olympics in Sapporo, Japan.
Hank LeClair: Summer and Winter Olympic lapel pins picked-up in a number countries while on media coverage assignments
Hank LeClair: !st Parachute Jump Certificate..1973
Hank LeClair: Award of Merit given by Professional Photographers of Canada National Print Show 1965. Jeff LeClair 4 yrs old
Hank LeClair: Accepted by PP of C at National Print Show 1965
Hank LeClair: Accepted by Professional Photographers of America at an International Show in Dallas Texas. Also published by United Press International in many countries.