Hank LeClair: Galleries LaFayette, for the shoppers
Hank LeClair: Great Metro system once you get used to it. It will take you anywhere in Paris and quickly
Hank LeClair: Metro familliarity
Hank LeClair: Metro Station
Hank LeClair: Centre Georges Pompidou designed in a style of high-tech architecture known as the Musée National d'Art Moderne
Hank LeClair: Controversial structure, somwhat out of place in Paris
Hank LeClair: There are many Galleries LaFayette for the shoppers in Paris
Hank LeClair: So many interesting old narrow streets peruse
Hank LeClair: Originally known as Place Royal
Hank LeClair: An Exposition of Jules Hardouin-Mansart 1646-1708 whose name has gone down in history as a term describing a certain building design known as the Mansard roof
Hank LeClair: Musée Carnavalet
Hank LeClair: Great architecture anywhere you look
Hank LeClair: Ottawa couple doing the quick-step in the streets of Paris, how about that
Hank LeClair: Place des Vosges was built by Henri IV. The area is a true square 140m x 140m of red brick with strips of vaulted arcades that stand on square pillars. The roof is steeply pitched of blue slate with discreet small-paned dormers
Hank LeClair: Entertainment in the arcade
Hank LeClair: Opéra Bastille is a huge contemporary building hosting outstanding opera performances
Hank LeClair: Colonne de Juillet was erected in the years 1831 to 1840 to commemorate the Parisians killed during the revolt of July 1830
Hank LeClair: The long awaited visit to the world's largest museum...Le Musée du Louvre
Hank LeClair: The approach to Le Louvre from Pont des Carrousel
Hank LeClair: Our first view of the highly controversial glass pyramide
Hank LeClair: P1030256
Hank LeClair: The pyramid looking out of place from above ground has proven to be invaluable by being capable of moving the many visitors efficiently. Also there is a tremendous effect when below in the lobby looking up through the glass
Hank LeClair: P1030341
Hank LeClair: P1030320
Hank LeClair: P1030331