Lebatihem: Genevieve was waiting at the gate when I arrived
Lebatihem: Gold, Roly and Spothead investigate the bending cones
Lebatihem: Gold, Roly and Spothead investigate the bending cones
Lebatihem: Gold, Roly and Spothead investigate the bending cones
Lebatihem: Gold, Roly and Spothead investigate the bending cones
Lebatihem: Gold goes piglet-poking...
Lebatihem: ...and is not sure she likes the results
Lebatihem: Pre-agility bonding with Spothead
Lebatihem: The first jump
Lebatihem: The whole course, cones and jumping
Lebatihem: My go...
Lebatihem: Goat-agility at liberty
Lebatihem: Goat-agility
Lebatihem: Goat-racing.
Lebatihem: Tunnel and jumping
Lebatihem: Helen rides Genevieve
Lebatihem: Helen rides Lotty, the ugliest pig in the world
Lebatihem: Me on Lotty
Lebatihem: Me almost going splat off Genevieve