Lebatihem: Baby
Lebatihem: There is nothing like having your nose sucked
Lebatihem: Adorable foal
Lebatihem: Pony-snogging
Lebatihem: Can I get any milk out of your armpit?
Lebatihem: All that kissing is exhausting
Lebatihem: Handsome boy
Lebatihem: Old git meets new foal
Lebatihem: Old git meets new foal
Lebatihem: Old git meets new foal
Lebatihem: Old git meets new foal
Lebatihem: Oooh, a new plaything...
Lebatihem: Lunch
Lebatihem: Charge!
Lebatihem: Leap
Lebatihem: Ear scratching, and mum's whiskers
Lebatihem: Itchy
Lebatihem: Itchy
Lebatihem: Mmm, yummy handbag
Lebatihem: Kisses with everyone
Lebatihem: Kisses with mum
Lebatihem: A brief moment of interest in something else
Lebatihem: Helloooooooooooo!
Lebatihem: Sleepy
Lebatihem: Warrenshill Emmie
Lebatihem: Itchy belly
Lebatihem: I've never seen a foal do this before
Lebatihem: Green Cottage Pioneer
Lebatihem: Warrenshill Emmie and Green Cottage Pioneer
Lebatihem: Warrenshill Emmie and Green Cottage Pioneer