leaping gazelle:
romance me...
leaping gazelle:
Have a wonderful weekend!
leaping gazelle:
I love warm summer mornings and orchid perfume :)
leaping gazelle:
Oh, peony! here's one from my garden...
leaping gazelle:
primitive tulip
leaping gazelle:
the way things were
leaping gazelle:
mood indigo
leaping gazelle:
glorious pink :) happy friday !
leaping gazelle:
into the light
leaping gazelle:
I'm reading about the tulip mania of the 1600's. Wouldn't it be amazing to click your heels and see one of your favorite periods of history unfolding before you? Here's a flower from my garden layered with a 200 year old French letter.
leaping gazelle:
you can.
leaping gazelle:
falling through sunshine
leaping gazelle:
dreams of the golden mean
leaping gazelle:
where the ocean meets the sky... I will see you
leaping gazelle:
my world in turquoise... and aqua and teal
leaping gazelle:
waiting for spring as snow falls outside my window...
leaping gazelle:
She left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went. It's easier to feel the sunlight without them, she said. ~ Story People
leaping gazelle:
wherever you go I will follow...
leaping gazelle:
the ocean whispers softly...
leaping gazelle:
winter blues.
leaping gazelle:
tulips in winter~ not from my garden but just as delicate and maybe even more joyful :)
leaping gazelle:
sunday dreaming
leaping gazelle:
leaping gazelle:
what do roses dream?
leaping gazelle:
that beautiful golden light
leaping gazelle:
poppies from behind
leaping gazelle:
summer morning poppy
leaping gazelle:
floating on cloud nine...
leaping gazelle:
watercolor tulip