Guilhermegmp: Sunset
miss.interpretations: East Texas Sunset
vglima1975: Pedra da Macela Sunrise at Motukiekie Beach
{jessica drossin}: The Inn Keeper's Daughter
Lt. Sweeney: Octavia 5.0. // 17
Grazka-M-T: Euforbia
Sharleen Chao: Taipei in the Advection Fog 迷霧牽雲夢不遲
Luciano Marra: Saíra-amarela macho (Tangara cayana)
{jessica drossin}: California Wildflowers
Maddog Murph: LightShow
Antonio Chac: El cielo al amanecer
Alexandre S. Nascimento: 2016-02-14_06-39-26
AventureColombia: IMG_6757.jpg
AventureColombia: IMG_6721.jpg
Ricardo Tonet: Catedral de Canela, RS
Beatriz-c: September sunset
Beatriz-c: The mysterious dragon-fly
Ricardo Tonet: Passando pelo céu de Pernambuco.
miss.interpretations: The Sleep of Autumn
rick_toor: Message to peace !!
miss.interpretations: Autumn Splendor
vglima1975: Atacama's Night