lealoulemonade: Lego train
lealoulemonade: Helping Daddy with the mulch
lealoulemonade: Leo's getting water gun tips from the neighbours.
lealoulemonade: Crocs party. Picked Mila's up for $3 today. Score.
lealoulemonade: Nonno and Leo!
lealoulemonade: Airplane ride with Mimi
lealoulemonade: The kids really like my new garden turtle... I don't have the heart to tell them he's not real.
lealoulemonade: I wear my sunglasses at lunch....
lealoulemonade: Rain rain
lealoulemonade: Leo just took this picture of Mila. Love!
lealoulemonade: New favourite toys. #ROM
lealoulemonade: They're back to decorate
lealoulemonade: My little helper. He lasted about 10 mins before he wanted to chop up the dough with his knife and then wanted to go outside ;)
lealoulemonade: They're obsessed with the slide.
lealoulemonade: Munchkins
lealoulemonade: Dinosaur train!
lealoulemonade: Daddy secretly loves playing with the stamps and pencil crayons
lealoulemonade: My new shelf cleaners
lealoulemonade: Jazz lunch @ Tatsu's
lealoulemonade: The kids are in there somewhere... #thisissandright?
lealoulemonade: Playing in the puddles!
lealoulemonade: Last day at the beach :(
lealoulemonade: Happy Hour at the swim up bar
lealoulemonade: My little love
lealoulemonade: Ohhh just feeding the giraffes
lealoulemonade: Silence doesn't always = trouble ;)
lealoulemonade: Ok we're ready!! #gocanadago!
lealoulemonade: Registered Leo for school yesterday. The fact that I was almost brought to tears after simply registering means I'm sure to be in shambles in September...
lealoulemonade: Someone likes the hot chocolate I made him...
lealoulemonade: Ohhh it only took an hour to walk around the block with these two