flamingzinc: The corner of Trash Can Alley & Oven Place under the broom is the place to be.
flamingzinc: Builders
flamingzinc: You have to love someone who photo bombs their own photo
flamingzinc: Naomi shares a chicken leg with @alexhung
flamingzinc: Zoey's preferred mode of transport
flamingzinc: This is what we do for fun now
flamingzinc: Big city reflections
flamingzinc: "I'll keep watch whilst you jimmy the lock."
flamingzinc: CSI: toddler #minigilgrissom
flamingzinc: "I guess you'll all be wanting a morning cuppa?"
flamingzinc: The quiet one
flamingzinc: Yeah, we are one of those families that drag their kids out in all weathers!
flamingzinc: Morning feet
flamingzinc: Notice me
flamingzinc: Someone has not read their Shakespeare. #badplacetohide #neverendswell
flamingzinc: "No dad, I'm thrilled about this new device."
flamingzinc: Holding feet & trading scraps of the IKEA catalogue
flamingzinc: "They serve Nutella here, right?"
flamingzinc: Sisters #fighting #loving #twins
flamingzinc: Book club meets early and often
flamingzinc: Nap time fail (again)
flamingzinc: Lunch. Of course Naomi put all the pasta hoops on her pointy finger.
flamingzinc: Nap time
flamingzinc: Powering down
flamingzinc: Welcome to Leah's Montessori. Lesson 1: emptying the dishwasher is FUN!
flamingzinc: "What do you mean you won't sing 'Soft Kitty' again? It's only been 13 times today!"
flamingzinc: The Hung girls embrace Star Trek Fridays