stupid clever: I finished my hitchhiker shawl last week & gifted it today, it was a big hit!
stupid clever: Plotting H's rainbow "Ava tunic". Hopefully my orange yarn will be here tomorrow. #knitting
stupid clever: Printing up some of the dolch pre-primer words for H. She is all about reading lately.
stupid clever: Sign on the road across from my work retreat. Too bad mud boggin' wasn't part of our team building.
stupid clever: Stitched this up for my sister's 30th birthday. Those of you who know her know this is very fitting.
stupid clever: Best ears ever!
stupid clever: snuggler
stupid clever: Best found art ever! There is a label on it that reads "By Adonis (he is 6)". Permanent place on the fridge for this one!
stupid clever: Newest member of our family, Zelda. An 8 month old border terrier/ Airedale terrier mix. She is so sweet & such a loving dog!!
stupid clever: Zelda has made herself at home, claiming this sunny spot on the floor.
stupid clever: Got my Yarnpirate Aranami kit yarn in "dove". Love it!! @yarnpirate
stupid clever: Graffiti on the way to work. 127/365
stupid clever: supermoon2
stupid clever: Came home to awesome mail! Thanks @schrodinger212 for the awesome tardis cube! 112/365
stupid clever: Nap time hexagon practice.
stupid clever: Graffiti spotted this morning. 95/365
stupid clever: Thrift store find, lovely vintage fabric w/ matching thread for $2.99. 90/365
stupid clever: It's jellybean season! 73/365 #nofilter
stupid clever: Loving knitting the front of Aidez! 71/365
stupid clever: Back of Aidez all finished up. 55/365
stupid clever: I showed H how to make an A (left) and she made one on her own (right). Wow!
stupid clever: Shelf in H's room, it's full of things that were mine or Isaac's & things that were made for her. 53/365
stupid clever: Gradient Glitter Mani
stupid clever: Coloring w/ Harper this morn & I asked her is she could make an "H" and she did! Wow!! 51/365
stupid clever: At H's request Isaac drew "a Mama & baby duck, Ariel, a dolphin and Ursula with crazy hair" 41/365 #2yearoldsrequests
stupid clever: Shawl as a scarf. Love this look.
stupid clever: MIL's shawl done! 32/365 #365
stupid clever: Pink clouds this morning. 31/365 #365 #nofilter