Anoop Negi: The Dancer and his Climbdown from Being a God
urtica: bug of the day
spiderhunters: Delhi Rooftop: Rose-ringed Parakeet
raludwick: That Awesome Shirt
dalbhat: chetla
bluedasher: DSC_8732_1Dircenna adino xanthophanes_79
GrrlScientist: Figure1
spiderhunters: Panama: White-necked Jacobin
urtica: bug of the day
Flatbush Gardener: Superb Owl Irruption - They're Everywhere
SnowHydro1: Where the light gets in
Vivienne Gucwa: New York City - Winter - Snow Falls on 5th Avenue
Vivienne Gucwa: Central Park Winter - Snow in the Afternoon - New York City
Vivienne Gucwa: Central Park Winter - Snow on Bow Bridge - New York City
Vivienne Gucwa: Central Park Winter- Belvedere Castle in the Snow - New York City
Vivienne Gucwa: Central Park Winter - Snow at Bow Bridge - New York City--
Jurgen Otto: 9678_9679_9680 (3) peacock spider Maratus avibus
urtica: Frosty the Window
jmanj: To hell with Article 377
jscros: umbrella
Beyond the Trail: Serene Swallowtail
Frank.Vassen: Black Rhino at waterhole, Etosha National Park, Namibia
Dicko2007: Black rhino at sunset
Unseen Horizons: Spotted Owlets sheltering under the Kusum Tree near South End Circle entrance
rschnaible: Kings River
Ian Corban: New York Seagull - EXPLORED
bloodybee: GMO (brescia, italy)
Marji Lang Photography: Barbershop, Badami