stocks photography:
lapping at the beak of the sleeping penguin
stocks photography:
a day in the life of mrs cowface
Raphael Balme:
Canine Universe (zine)
ndpa / s. lundeen, archivist:
50s-ekta03 13
ndpa / s. lundeen, archivist:
50s-ekta03 16
ndpa / s. lundeen, archivist:
50s-ekta03 18
smitten kitchen:
cauliflower fritters with feta, yogurt, pomegranate
smitten kitchen:
carrot soup with tahini and crisped chickpeas
smitten kitchen:
pasta, white beans, garlic-rosemary oil
smitten kitchen:
italian stuffed cabbage
Simon Kossoff:
Omaha, NE
Malkin's, Chilmark
זיידע ישעיה טשערויין:
HDR Forest Preserve, Glencoe, February 23, 2013 15 4x6
John Anderson Beavers:
Ray Bradshaw.:
Out In The Cold
Anne Lucas Di Elmo: