le congre: Grey Reef Sharks
le congre: Giant Guitarfish
le congre: Lionfish
le congre: Uncautious
le congre: Sailing
le congre: Gentle Giant I
le congre: Team Play
le congre: X-Trees in Desert
le congre: Face to Face
le congre: Leaf Fish
le congre: Honey, Honey, Honey, ...
le congre: Odontodactylus Scyllarus
le congre: Oxycirrhites typus
le congre: Nebrius ferrugineus
le congre: Surprise, surprise
le congre: Entacmaea Quadricolor
le congre: worm?
le congre: sculpture by nature
le congre: Phyllidiopsis shireenae
le congre: Notodoris
le congre: yellow ascidian
le congre: Lionfish
le congre: Fire Goby
le congre: ... and the owner of the Sting
le congre: beautiful with a strong defense
le congre: Cnidaria
le congre: Batman
le congre: Sting
le congre: protected
le congre: Elegance