lazzarello: low fat glitch
lazzarello: PCB Lamp in HD
lazzarello: Drove through Yosemite and Saw a Rainbow
lazzarello: Sea Hair
lazzarello: Gross sea plants
lazzarello: Analog lens flare practice
lazzarello: 🌞 for 🌚
lazzarello: 🌿🌲🌿
lazzarello: no filters
lazzarello: xtal
lazzarello: sunwave
lazzarello: Miami International Airport. Delta terminal.
lazzarello: Versace selfie. #crushed #blacks #lut
lazzarello: new dangly earring. copper and crystal for the Lost Boys look circa 1984. courtesy Lavender Buttons @lavenderbuttons πŸ’‹πŸ‘
lazzarello: Today marks the day I realized I can fit my whole office into a canvas saddle bag attached to the back of my bike. This includes a 15" MacBook Pro, a Happy Hacker Keyboard pro, a Wacom Bamboo tablet and a plastic stand for the computer. I look ridiculous.
lazzarello: I really liked Michael Jackson when I was a boy. circa 1984. #fbf #1980s
lazzarello: "Enlisted men, enlisted women and sending your lover off to war" more colored pencils of fantasy WWII GI fashion. Rita Azzarello circa 1940s #tbt #fbf
lazzarello: A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night
lazzarello: My grandfather was in the Navy and deployed to the Pacific Front during WWII as a recon photographer. So basically he flew in airplanes over the ocean using 1940s era photography tech for war intel, as a #teen. badass. he made it back and started a commer
lazzarello: "topless lady on the beach" colored pencil on paper by Rita Azzarello circa 1950. another gem #tbt #nofilters
lazzarello: Bye bye Florida, bye bye Fort Lauderdale. Wish I could have got to know you better but I have people who need me in the big city. #springbreak #forever #bitches
lazzarello: fans during entrance
lazzarello: #zebulon #restinpizza #rip sooo many good memories there.
lazzarello: may your #summer #landwell in #2015
lazzarello: I got a new camera phone.
lazzarello: a bucket of rusty nails and loose screws
lazzarello: #formula #firebird
lazzarello: the last 7 years of personal computers, part two. #linux #apple #thinkpad #macbook #cryptocat #guardianproject #tor #calyx #bitcoin #ipv6 #accessnow #i2p #crassbart #wgxc #mom #netart #2010 #2011 #2012 #2013 #2014 #2015
lazzarello: the last 7 years of personal computers, part one. #linux #tor #eff #guardianproject #thinkpad #2009 #2010 #2011
lazzarello: #tiger & #pinwin #cozy together #safeandsound