Ukesh Kumar: Sometimes in life all you can do is wait.
Ukesh Kumar: Two's Company.
Ukesh Kumar: I've Got work to do.
Ukesh Kumar: DSC_0416
Ukesh Kumar: Holding onto What I hav'nt Got.
Ukesh Kumar: Earth laughs in flowers. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Ukesh Kumar: Blossom out of the Darkness :)
Ukesh Kumar: Enna looku ?
Ukesh Kumar: Smokin'
Ukesh Kumar: Lord Ganesh
Ukesh Kumar: Smoke trail 2
Ukesh Kumar: Smoke trail 3
Ukesh Kumar: Smoke trail 4
Ukesh Kumar: Intense
Ukesh Kumar: Just another day
Ukesh Kumar: Being alone is bettter than being lonely.
Ukesh Kumar: Pots..
Ukesh Kumar: Will you be my friend? :(
Ukesh Kumar: Lone warrior.
Ukesh Kumar: Before the Rain :)
Ukesh Kumar: 'Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter' ~Mark Twain
Ukesh Kumar: வாழ்க்கையில் உன் வயது என் அனுபவம்.
Ukesh Kumar: Scary.
Ukesh Kumar: Lone Warrior
Ukesh Kumar: Nature's Tears.
Ukesh Kumar: Hoping to Sell
Ukesh Kumar: Looking with Keen Interest.
Ukesh Kumar: Savior!