adde51: Chunky Choko Rover
Devid VII: Deinotherium
Devid VII: Xenomech
-soccerkid6: A-60 Scorpion Liftbot
Devid VII: Squared R
Devid VII: Light Sentinel
madLEGOman: Never Ending Childhood Trauma
Devid VII: Phantasma
Devid VII: Squared
djokson: feral jester
Devid VII: Mammoth
Devid VII: Advanced Security Sentinel Drone
FS Leinad: Corn
Miscellanabuilds: Queen Amelia
N.A.B.E_mocs: Lego Eagle WIP
Space Glove: Mantax
Ben Brickson: Crabbing Vessel Front
FS Leinad: Uh-oh...
gGh0st: Aerox C-1 Heavy V8 Twin Engine ICS
-Owls-: INX-333α Nectaar Two-Ribbon Daybreak Regalia
masonbluemartin: Apis Aegis
adde51: Mophet residence
donuts_ftw: Gazprom Samovar-class tanker ship
-soccerkid6: Ikeros Heavy Cruiser
LEGO DOU Moko: Vehicle-Bot 03
Devid VII: YWBS - Yellow Work Bunny Suit and TaKo
Oshi Builds: The Frontier
Eero Okkonen: Self-Portrait (II)
Miscellanabuilds: Let the Games Begin