McLoulabelle: Project: shape
McLoulabelle: Project: Shape
McLoulabelle: Project: Shape
McLoulabelle: Project: Wet/Reflection
McLoulabelle: Project: Wet/Reflection
McLoulabelle: Project: Wet/Reflection
McLoulabelle: Project: Movement
McLoulabelle: Project: Red
McLoulabelle: Project: Red
McLoulabelle: Project: Red
McLoulabelle: my little old dog: a heart-beat at my feet.
McLoulabelle: happiness is a warm puppy.
McLoulabelle: A dog will make eye contact. A cat will, too, but a cat’s eyes don’t even look entirely warm-blooded to me, whereas a dog’s eyes look human except less guarded. A dog will look at you as if to say, “What do you want me to do for you?"
McLoulabelle: stripped of the right to be a human in control
McLoulabelle: teach me how to stay strong and carry you home. 1/365