lawatt: Greenland was glowing as we passed by…
lawatt: good morning NY (view from my nephew’s room, where i am crashing for the weekend)
lawatt: the Fy
lawatt: a good day
lawatt: jazzy saturday
lawatt: delicious breakfast, best companions
lawatt: flame in the forest
lawatt: hello, South Carolina
lawatt: going through Dad’s old photos, found this wonderful image of Jean as a kid (1970-ish?)
lawatt: a good eye
lawatt: south carolina footwear is different than iceland…
lawatt: another of Dad’s old prints that i haven’t seen in a long time — Gramay, our great-grandmother, with Jean and me
lawatt: lots of Carolina sunshine today
lawatt: shadows
lawatt: more family history…
lawatt: hello, Colorado skies
lawatt: good morning, Crested Butte
lawatt: a visit
lawatt: wiley & india
lawatt: storm door
lawatt: light snow falling in our little neighborhood this morning
lawatt: yesterday morning’s view of Gothic Mtn (left) seemed to be a perfect remembrance for Dad…
lawatt: one still green
lawatt: at rest
lawatt: driving back to Denver, this afternoon, in and out of snow squalls — flying home tomorrow