lawatt: wind + snow today
lawatt: blue dawn giving way to white
lawatt: watching…
lawatt: tall grasses disappearing under the snow
lawatt: snowy day double
lawatt: current conditions
lawatt: accumulation
lawatt: one more from yesterday…
lawatt: i didn’t go very far, but i DID get outside…
lawatt: snowy day double no. 2
lawatt: the boys have decided, if i can go out, so can they…
lawatt: snowplow visits
lawatt: George has decided that this is the best way to experience today’s windstorm…
lawatt: 60 seconds of Why I’m Glad to Be Indoors
lawatt: heavy
lawatt: stormy afternoon
lawatt: caught
lawatt: slowly quieting down
lawatt: buried
lawatt: small cat, early morning
lawatt: early morning
lawatt: unexpected assistance
lawatt: yep, that would have taken me a while to dig out by hand…
lawatt: post-storm weather
lawatt: another double-exposure experiment…
lawatt: napping
lawatt: attic space
lawatt: good morning from here
lawatt: models
lawatt: an utterly sparkling morning