lawatt: silvery
lawatt: sky on the ground
lawatt: sand and sky 1
lawatt: sand & sky 2
lawatt: sand networks
lawatt: sand & sky 3
lawatt: tidal landscape abstract (double exp)
lawatt: sand & sky 4
lawatt: silvery sand
lawatt: seaweed & tiny snails
lawatt: sparkling
lawatt: silvery
lawatt: textures
lawatt: waterscape
lawatt: ripples
lawatt: a bit of blue sky
lawatt: mackerel skies
lawatt: marsh (from last october)
lawatt: another glimpse of last october
lawatt: garden gate
lawatt: last year's color
lawatt: looking up
lawatt: rowans
lawatt: the little display space at Skrúður
lawatt: i went out in search of some autumn color today...
lawatt: rowan leaves
lawatt: birch trio
lawatt: rowan & birches
lawatt: muscular
lawatt: limbs