lawatt: the front walkway this morning
lawatt: snowy commute this morning
lawatt: have i mentioned recently how glad i am to be here?
lawatt: icy wetlands
lawatt: wintery morning, despite being the last day of September
lawatt: the tide pushing ripples upstream
lawatt: crazy-gorgeous this morning
lawatt: the day before big-waves day was snow day...
lawatt: lighthouse on the snowy day
lawatt: view from Ósvör
lawatt: lovely light out my front window today, and all of yesterday’s snowfall has melted...
lawatt: remembering the sun
lawatt: home for now
lawatt: big waves panorama
lawatt: wind-blown wave tops
lawatt: HUGE waves here today
lawatt: more waves...
lawatt: another from the big-waves day...
lawatt: raining here today, so revisiting the big waves from Oct 1st here on Bolungarvík...
lawatt: i couldn’t resist stopping at Ósvör again this morning
lawatt: corner of my street