lawatt: sunlight through fog
lawatt: southwest side of the silver house
lawatt: the view from where i so often am standing, here in my kitchen
lawatt: i put the bookshelves back (but less symmetrical than before), and one lamp
lawatt: the day before the Fall semester starts:
lawatt: i also finally replaced my burnt-out twinkly lights
lawatt: home improvement day, part B: new dining room space configuration
lawatt: the whole front room
lawatt: a bit of coziness
lawatt: a certain someone’s approach to it all...
lawatt: home-orama
lawatt: new bookshelves are filling in...
lawatt: the best spring light
lawatt: so lovely to be back home again
lawatt: the best place in earth this afternoon
lawatt: i still love you, California
lawatt: here, now
lawatt: mi casa
lawatt: another view of home
lawatt: it never gets old, coming home to this place
lawatt: henry and i are waiting for the wind to change...
lawatt: the roof (and the meadow, and everything else) is coated in frost this morning
lawatt: chickens out and about!
lawatt: chickinzzzzzz
lawatt: fresh green
lawatt: Thursday evening
lawatt: looking west
lawatt: view from below the deck
lawatt: my little house, from the uphill side
lawatt: the oak leaves are almost open