lawatt: it’s the daily morning view from room #2: looks like a good one (with no filters!)
lawatt: gorgeous morning in Djúpavík, Oct 10
lawatt: sunrise in Djúpavík
lawatt: view from Djúpavík
lawatt: snow reflected
lawatt: first sun
lawatt: quite a sky
lawatt: only a month from now!
lawatt: in the road
lawatt: Steve photographing some amazing skies
lawatt: ice patterns
lawatt: unreal skies
lawatt: swan family
lawatt: Háafell
lawatt: Djúpavík panorama
lawatt: view from Naustvík
lawatt: back out on the road...
lawatt: Grænholl
lawatt: small dock on the fjord
lawatt: Gjögur in the sun
lawatt: Gjögur
lawatt: tied together
lawatt: facing the sun
lawatt: sky
lawatt: Gjögur in glorious sunshine
lawatt: this green-roofed house might be my second-favorite in Iceland...
lawatt: Grænholl
lawatt: house at gjögur
lawatt: house, tea-toned this time
lawatt: green roof