lawatt: the start of our road trip: Mom snapping photographs in her beloved Sierras
lawatt: driving over the sierras, heading to Nevada!
lawatt: near Tioga Pass, with no snow
lawatt: looking toward Mammoth, as we headed east on Hwy 120
lawatt: the old volcanic hills near Mono Lake
lawatt: south of mono
lawatt: from Hwy 120, looking back to Mono Lake as we drove SE from it
lawatt: mono lake
lawatt: mono lake, again
lawatt: one burned tree
lawatt: driving in the direction of the snow-capped White Mountains
lawatt: along the road in Nevada
lawatt: approaching Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park, our first campsite of the trip
lawatt: we were lucky to get the LAST open campsite
lawatt: mom making our first camp dinner in the dark — we arrived kind of late!
lawatt: almost-full moon rising in Nevada
lawatt: almost-full moon rising in Nevada
lawatt: early morning view from Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park
lawatt: clouds and piñon pines
lawatt: berlin mill
lawatt: the old mill at the Berlin mining site
lawatt: berlin mill & sky
lawatt: inside the old stamp mill
lawatt: another view of the mill
lawatt: ore entry point
lawatt: berlin mill
lawatt: the Berlin townsite, and the wide valley beyond
lawatt: berlin landscape
lawatt: the view south
lawatt: a line of clouds