lawatt: home for two days in Reykjavík
lawatt: icelandic horses
lawatt: horses
lawatt: being a tourist
lawatt: looking back toward the coast
lawatt: a broad plain
lawatt: exploring along the “Golden Circle” route, second day in Iceland
lawatt: dreaming of a cold land...
lawatt: a cold, gray sky
lawatt: me, SO excited that it snowed today!!! ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
lawatt: feeling wintery
lawatt: pano
lawatt: gorgeous autumnal colors
lawatt: Þórufoss
lawatt: rivers
lawatt: Þórufoss
lawatt: Þórufoss
lawatt: my little rental car — all alone.
lawatt: waters meeting
lawatt: small waterfall
lawatt: water and rock
lawatt: waterfall and trail
lawatt: water through the landscape
lawatt: Þórufoss and its landscape
lawatt: Þórufoss & hill
lawatt: a bit of color
lawatt: hidden
lawatt: landscape
lawatt: Þórufoss
lawatt: Þórufoss