lawatt: Wiley is ready for any kind of weather
lawatt: the minute we turned around, the rain slackened, then stopped...
lawatt: hiking back to the Lab
lawatt: the Lab from the old Copper Creek road
lawatt: first evening of the "WattFest" celebration of my Dad's scientific influence
lawatt: more talks at the "Wattfest" this morning!
lawatt: a moth pile-up
lawatt: walking up the Avalanche Cabin's driveway
lawatt: my favorite childhood flower, called Elephantella
lawatt: Jean & Wiley
lawatt: south gothic, from the other side of the river
lawatt: starting our climb up to the Old Maid
lawatt: taking a rest on the way up
lawatt: *insanely* steep slopes going up Gothic
lawatt: view from up high!
lawatt: view back to RMBL and South Gothic, from the slopes of Gothic Mtn
lawatt: skunk cabbage (aka Veratrum) flowers
lawatt: by the East River
lawatt: east river (the Colorado one, not NY!)
lawatt: dad -- man of the hour! (weekend!)
lawatt: me, Dad, Jean, and Wiley at the new RMBL community center
lawatt: East River, near the old island
lawatt: me & Jean
lawatt: Jean & Jonathan
lawatt: East River
lawatt: another former bridge
lawatt: RMBL at night
lawatt: the Inouyes' cabin
lawatt: late-night aspens
lawatt: Dad talking with Larry Gall