lawatt: drakes bay oyster farm
lawatt: drake's bay oyster company
lawatt: drakes estero
lawatt: Kevin Lunny and Pete McCloskey, yesterday afternoon
lawatt: workers at Drakes Bay Oyster Company, sorting oyster...
lawatt: DBOC
lawatt: DBOC with boat
lawatt: Judy's horse trailer & sign
lawatt: Drakes Estero
lawatt: my fabulous students, out at Drakes Bay Oyster Company! holding a string of oyster shells...
lawatt: oyster tasting at DBOC, hooray!
lawatt: Drake's estero
lawatt: relic of the past...
lawatt: Ginny in the walk-in fridge at DBOC
lawatt: a sentiment
lawatt: drakes estero
lawatt: by the shore
lawatt: peter & noak
lawatt: out at Drakes Bay Oyster Co. today with two of the pro bono legal team, Larry and Peter
lawatt: lunch today
lawatt: Jorge Mata, manager at DBOC
lawatt: a rarity
lawatt: big crowds at the oyster farm
lawatt: oyster dock
lawatt: Drakes Estero, yesterday -- simply amazing weather
lawatt: the shack
lawatt: several of the oyster workers' kids playing in the water by the shack, Tuesday afternoon
lawatt: estero
lawatt: ...and stopped by Drakes Estero for a sad (to me) sight:
lawatt: a week ago, there were three or four houses here, residences for some of the oyster farm employees