lawatt: first morning
lawatt: the gorgeous old (probably late 1800s?) staircase in the Hotel Djúpavík—such a feeling of being back home in this amazing place
lawatt: -7°C outside and still windy—good morning, Djúpavík!!
lawatt: the frozen waterfall!
lawatt: missing this place...
lawatt: djúpavík
lawatt: fjord
lawatt: first morning in Djúpavík
lawatt: strange light over the mountain
lawatt: post-breakfast light
lawatt: hunting for good photo-stops...
lawatt: almost-view of Naustvík
lawatt: first film
lawatt: fjord mouth
lawatt: mountains
lawatt: silversea
lawatt: fjord
lawatt: first photo-stop
lawatt: fjord panorama
lawatt: looking back through my iceland i-snaps...
lawatt: grasses and mountain
lawatt: heading back to iceland in my mind today...
lawatt: the road
lawatt: Naustvík
lawatt: mouth
lawatt: view of Naustvik, one of my most favorite spots on earth
lawatt: naustvík
lawatt: such clear water
lawatt: gratuitous selfie on our first morning out with cameras
lawatt: the fjord