lawatt: departing the Bay Area...
lawatt: view of the Olympic Peninsula
lawatt: Seattle morning view
lawatt: feeling very civilized this morning...
lawatt: sprucing up my hotel room with hyacinths from the touristy marketplace...
lawatt: these smell SO amazing
lawatt: Seattle is so under construction
lawatt: me and the man on the street - literally - in Seattle
lawatt: springtime in Seattle
lawatt: yep, I'm a tacky tourist
lawatt: Nick and me at the top of the Space Needle
lawatt: so meta
lawatt: Mt Rainier is just on a completely different scale than the rest of the view
lawatt: Seattle skyline
lawatt: a sake that tastes like springtime
lawatt: crossing a floating bridge
lawatt: Seattle at night
lawatt: yo. tweetybirds.
lawatt: Steve and Nick, waiting to get in to the ramen place
lawatt: our delicious Friday night
lawatt: such a surreal shop window
lawatt: carved waves in a store window, Seattle
lawatt: yay for our journal!!!!
lawatt: environmental history heroes!
lawatt: Steve and Carl
lawatt: sushi in a can
lawatt: me & Bruce at dinner
lawatt: last night in Seattle
lawatt: the trouble historians can get themselves into...
lawatt: saying farewell to Mt Rainier