lawatt: the mountains
lawatt: shack & coast
lawatt: does. not. suck.
lawatt: landscape
lawatt: sunlight
lawatt: the tuft!!
lawatt: totally crazy alternative version of the tuft
lawatt: tuft
lawatt: my favorite tuft of grass
lawatt: tuft again
lawatt: road and slope
lawatt: the road
lawatt: investigating and photographing the tuft
lawatt: Sarah takes a selfie with the tuft
lawatt: tuft
lawatt: success!
lawatt: crosses
lawatt: little green church
lawatt: church
lawatt: closer view of the tiny church
lawatt: little green church
lawatt: view from the churchyard
lawatt: sheep
lawatt: one sheep inside the fence
lawatt: the landscape, with sheep of course
lawatt: sheep farm
lawatt: back of the church
lawatt: back side of the little green church
lawatt: sheep
lawatt: pastures