lawatt: black mtn at dawn
lawatt: photo taken at the Home Ranch, back in Sept...
lawatt: tule elk in cattle pasture, on the Home Ranch
lawatt: more elk - beautiful, but in leased pastures where they are causing problems
lawatt: this guy is just not impressed by the elk.
lawatt: angus bulls, waiting for breakfast to be served
lawatt: former ranch quarry
lawatt: new baby calves!!!!
lawatt: new calves
lawatt: landscape
lawatt: someone is eager for breakfast
lawatt: moo
lawatt: little fussy calf
lawatt: new calves romping
lawatt: still-wet, hours-old baby calf, blinking in the morning sun
lawatt: early morning on the Home Ranch
lawatt: the Home Ranch
lawatt: estero
lawatt: looking down at Home Bay
lawatt: looking west
lawatt: it was simply unbelievably gorgeous out there today
lawatt: the top end of home Bay, and the remnants of the old Christmas tree farm
lawatt: looking back at the Home Ranch, the "center" of the alphabet ranch system at Point Reyes
lawatt: shadow & estero
lawatt: home ranch landscape
lawatt: marsh
lawatt: a big elk on the Home Ranch
lawatt: grazing landscape
lawatt: bunkhouse at the Home Ranch
lawatt: antlers & skull