lawatt: field trip, last Monday
lawatt: marsh restoration in progress
lawatt: levee trail
lawatt: very tall mustard plants
lawatt: getting out the maps
lawatt: future salt marsh
lawatt: marsh restoration
lawatt: water's edge
lawatt: took my restoration class on a field trip today to Sears Point
lawatt: Sears Point
lawatt: salt-marsh-to-be
lawatt: in the mustard forest
lawatt: mustard
lawatt: two track
lawatt: wild parsnip
lawatt: barn
lawatt: my fabulous students, checking out the giant water pumps
lawatt: transmission
lawatt: grasslands
lawatt: into the grassy uplands
lawatt: the former point
lawatt: through the thick, thick grass
lawatt: fenceline
lawatt: Stevie's willow wall -- restoration in action