lawatt: hey there Iceland — i’m back.
lawatt: the Greenland Sea (no filter)
lawatt: under the clouds
lawatt: diving into the clouds
lawatt: cloudscapes
lawatt: sunrise glow
lawatt: eastern Greenland & arctic sunrise at 3am
lawatt: mountains emerging from the ice cap in southern Greenland
lawatt: a few more pictures from my flight here - very early morning over Greenland
lawatt: last view of the US last night, flying north out of Boston
lawatt: evening in Boston, and now aboard my second plane
lawatt: epic thunderstorms over Illinois and Indiana
lawatt: in my seat, ready to go
lawatt: R A I N I E R
lawatt: flying north — Columbia River & Mt Hood
lawatt: coming into DCA over the mighty Potomac!
lawatt: flying into SFO (from Santa Rosa) yesterday morning, the bridge and car lights looking like lava in some primordial landscape...
lawatt: snowy Seattle from the air
lawatt: heading north in my attempt to get back home to the south
lawatt: rainy layover at LAX
lawatt: flying north from SF last night, to Santa Rosa — which means now i’m HOME!!
lawatt: Chicago again
lawatt: heading west again
lawatt: circling over Chicago, my last stop (of 3!) before NY
lawatt: Mavericks looked pretty big down there as we flew over...
lawatt: flew right past the Golden Gate on our way home from San Diego this evening
lawatt: last snap
lawatt: unknown landscape
lawatt: a Greenlandic shoreline (i think)
lawatt: wind-blown snow across Greenland’s icecap