lawatt: anne in SF -- first day of the envt'l history conference
lawatt: view from our hotel room in SF
lawatt: Lise, me, and Steve -- my best conference buddies!!!
lawatt: afternoon on the bay
lawatt: Steve and I got to the CHS a little early...
lawatt: from yesterday's CHS event -- Carolyn Merchant and CHS Director Anthea Hartig
lawatt: having drinks at the Grand Cafe
lawatt: unexpected!!
lawatt: field trip visit to the Horick (D) Ranch on sunday
lawatt: drakes beach
lawatt: chimney rock off in the distance
lawatt: drakes beach, sunday
lawatt: beachwalkers
lawatt: gull reflections
lawatt: replacing the roof on the old Giacomini barn
lawatt: end of a fabulous field trip to Point Reyes