lawatt: wiley in tree
lawatt: wiley on the old deck
lawatt: india typing
lawatt: jean reading
lawatt: wiley's pictures
lawatt: jean
lawatt: india & wiley
lawatt: ticklish
lawatt: a dinner with childhood neighbors
lawatt: so many books!!
lawatt: kids in action
lawatt: nancy allen & me
lawatt: under the bridge
lawatt: india!!
lawatt: watching otters
lawatt: mom & powell
lawatt: jean & wiley
lawatt: master paddler
lawatt: rafted up
lawatt: at the Giant Artichoke!!!
lawatt: jean & india
lawatt: wiley reading
lawatt: Stone River, the Andy Goldsworthy sculpture at Stanford
lawatt: a good meander is hard to find
lawatt: sweetpea vine
lawatt: glass table
lawatt: lounging around
lawatt: drawing at GrandmaAlice's house
lawatt: wiley's feet
lawatt: mom's back yard