lawatt: first morning in NY
lawatt: bearhead
lawatt: windows in mom's room
lawatt: porch
lawatt: icicles
lawatt: the sled run
lawatt: the sled run
lawatt: india sledding
lawatt: red tangle
lawatt: curlies
lawatt: wiley & gary
lawatt: sledding
lawatt: mom & the house
lawatt: wiley pounces
lawatt: the house
lawatt: snowballs
lawatt: throwing snow
lawatt: wiley the snow monster!!
lawatt: frozen pool
lawatt: snow on ice
lawatt: clouds
lawatt: monkey house
lawatt: wiley & seed pods
lawatt: petting feo
lawatt: wiley midair
lawatt: timmmmberrr!!!
lawatt: india & feodor
lawatt: flowers & lamp
lawatt: obama!
lawatt: cat on radiator