lawatt: getting set up
lawatt: tommy on bow
lawatt: GM
lawatt: first race
lawatt: eclipse
lawatt: close tackers
lawatt: blade runner
lawatt: seven e37s
lawatt: starboard tackers
lawatt: close to shore
lawatt: expo
lawatt: elan
lawatt: crossing boats
lawatt: a touch
lawatt: brown sugar & eclipse
lawatt: brown sugar
lawatt: jeannette on the boom
lawatt: between races
lawatt: locamotion before the start
lawatt: angling for the start
lawatt: following elan
lawatt: a big splash!
lawatt: elan
lawatt: the last photo
lawatt: blade runner & GM
lawatt: stewball
lawatt: half the fleet
lawatt: desdemona
lawatt: great sensation
lawatt: GM & eclipse